Sunday, 30 September 2012

U2 e São Paulo: The City of Blinding Lights

Um vídeo mostrando o U2 e a cidade de São Paulo. Essa música pode se referir a Nova York também, mas como já fiz um vídeo sobre o U2 e ela, resolvi fazer agora com São Paulo, a cidade que eu nasci e cresci. 

É claro que, se depender de mim, eu vou morar fora do Brasil, mas se tiver que escolher aqui uma cidade pra morar, com certeza, seria São Paulo. Eu nasci lá e me arrependo de ter saído. 


Friday, 28 September 2012

"It's just a moment, this time will pass..."

Mais um vídeo da série de reedições do primeiro show do U2 no Brasil pela turnê 360º. Stuck in a Moment foi tocada só na primeira noite, na minha noite. É uma das maiores músicas do U2 na minha opinião sim, vou confessar que prefiro ela ao estilo full band, como foi tocada na turnê Elevation, mas claro que acústica tem lá o sei charme, rs. Eu estava no Inner e vi o Bono e o Edge cantarem como você pode ver no vídeo abaixo, não chorei nessa, quase, mas meu rosto já estava sim manchado de lágrimas, ela tem um significado pessoal e especial. É claro que se dependesse de mim eu teria escolhido outra no lugar dessa, sei lá, pra mim essa música acústica não combinou com a turnê, mas como fui num show só o que veio foi lucro e amei :).

Espero que gostem do vídeo.

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Feliz Aniversário, U2: minha declaração de amor


É seu aniversário! *-*

Lembra quando nos conhecemos? Você chegou totalmente de repente, do nada. Indicação da sua sogra. Você chegou naquela noite e me fascinou, foi paixão à primeira vista, literalmente. Era para eu ter ido dormir, mas, felizmente, não fui e você me manteve acordado durante mais de duas horas. Eu durmi como um anjo depois e tudo o que eu mais queria dali para frente era te conhecer melhor, mais e mais. O amor forte que surgiu em mim naquela noite continuou, fui te descobrindo, te conhecendo melhor e me apaixonando cada vez mais. Nós namoramos durante 6 anos, e você sabe muito bem o porquê que eu te amo tanto, né? Nós dois sabemos. Eu estava a ponto de .... é, isso aí mesmo, mas então você apareceu e me trouxe um novo sentido à vida. Você me saiu caro, rs, mas amo gastar com você, é meu maior prazer. Vc merece! Tudo! Aconteceram aquelas coisas na minha vida, horríveis, lembra? =(. Mas você me ajudou em tudo e ainda me ajuda. Aí você quis marcar a data do nosso casamento justo na semana do meu aniversário de 20 anos *-*. E, depois de 6 anos de namoro, é claro que eu disse sim. Até hoje somos casados e tenho mais do que certeza que nunca vamos nos separar. Estamos unidos como um! Te amo.


Saturday, 22 September 2012

Bono e Edge muito perto: Mysterious Ways em São Paulo

Continuando as re-edições de vídeos do U2 na primeira noite em São Paulo, posto agora Mysterious Ways. Foi mais um grande momento do show, ainda mais para mim, que estava no Inner e vi Bono e Edge cantarem bem pertinho. Os efeitos do telão e da iluminação eram espetaculares. Melhor ficaria se a Morleigh subisse ao palco e dançasse, relembrando os tempos da Zoo Tv. Acho que mesmo com a idade hoje ela faria uma ótima apresentação. A iluminação dessa música mudou em relação ao início da turnê. Ela era como vemos no DVD U2 360º at Rose Bowl: azul, depois passou a ser dessa cor: vermelha, como vemos no vídeo. Apesar da cor ser igual à sua música anterior, Magnificent, não cansa e achei que ficou bem melhor, combinando com a música.

Thursday, 20 September 2012

'Oh, you look so beautiful tonight!" City of Blinding Lights em São Paulo

Mais um vídeo da série de re-edições que estou fazendo dos shows do U2 no Brasil. Esta série é toda em HD, diferente do vídeo completo que lancei desse show, que,por ser meu primeiro vídeo, não está em boa qualidade, por isso estou re-editando tudo conforme o tempo. Desta vez é City of Blinding Lights ao vivo na primeira noite, o meu show. Foi mais que mágico ver o telão descer bem lentamente ao som da linda FEZ - Being Born, brilhando coloridamente. Um show de luzes, técnica e sincronismo pra depois City of Blinding Lights ser iniciada. Para mim teve um sentimento especial porque foi a primeira música do U2 que ouvi, já que eu conheci a banda quando a Rede Globo trasmitiu o show de 2006 da Vertigo Tour também no mesmo Morumbi. Espero que gostem e comentem. 

(Favor não usar nenhum vídeo meu para uma nova edição ou multicam)

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

U2 antes do anúncio do mural

Bom, todos sabem do famoso anúncio que o Larry pôs no mural do Mount Temple School no dia 25 de Setembro de 1976 que fez surgir o U2, à principio não exatamente como é hoje, é claro. Mas acho bem interessante as histórias deles antes de se juntarem para formar a efêmera "The Larry Mullen Jr. Band". 

"Em ocasiões especiais": U2 deixa todo mundo "Fora de Controle"

Isso me deixou com raiva e ao mesmo tempo feliz, pois só tinha ido na primeira noite então perdi essa música como tantas outras que o U2 tocou no segundo show em São Paulo. Foi a primeira vez que a banda tocou Out of Control na turnê 360º, aliás, este segundo show do U2 em São Paulo teve grandes surpresas e estreias como a tão linda e misteriosa Zooropa. Bono antes de começar a cantar a música do álbum Boy disse que em ocasiões especiais ela é tocada. Minutos antes de subirem ao palco eles decidiram tocar ela e  na minha humilde opinião este show do U2 do dia 10 de abril de 2011 não só foi o melhor das três noites da banda na capital paulista como também chego a dizer que foi o melhor show do U2 de todos os tempos!

Se você estava lá neste dia...você é uma pessoa de sorte.

Monday, 20 August 2012

Bono, The Edge e suas férias bem aproveitadas

Bono e Edge estão curtindo bem suas férias, bem merecidas, em St Tropez, sul da França. Cantaram até a música Help, dos Beatles. 

Matthew Bellamy diz que novo álbum do MUSE tem influências do U2

O quarto álbum da banda britânica MUSE, que sucederá The Resistance de 2009 será lançado dia 1º de Outubro com o nome "The 2nd Law". Matthew Bellamy, vocalista da banda, disse que o álbum tem influéncias do U2: "Andámos em digressão com os U2 na América do Sul no ano passado. E há definitivamente algumas influências neste álbum, um pouco de Achtung Baby aqui e ali". Não tem banda melhor para influenciar do que U2. 

Sunday, 19 August 2012

Gavin Friday: "Novo álbum do U2 é bem diferente"

O amigo de longa data da banda Gavin Friday, o carinha que inspirou o "mama" no vídeo do BabyZoo na Vertigo Tour (em sua maioria antecedia a música Zoo Station), deu uma entrevista à rádio irlandesa RTÈ Radio One e falou, dentre outras coisas, sobre o novo trabalho da banda. Eu, particularmente, acho que podem dizer o que for: nunca superarão o Joshua Tree ou Acthung baby. Segue a entrevista.

Pride (In The Name Of Love) e Anton Corbijn


Muitos sabem da grande amizade que o fotógrafo e cineasta holandês Anton Corbijn e os meninos de Dublin tem a longo tempo. Mas poucos sabem que Anton teve alguns probleminhas com a equipe da banda. A música Pride (In The Name Of Love) possui 3 vídeos gravados como clips. O que todos mais conhecem é o oficial, filmado por Donald Cammell em Agosto de 1984 no St. Francisco Xavier Hall, norte de Dublin. Este vídeo aparece no DVD U2 18 VIDEOS. (para vê-lo clique aqui)

Friday, 27 July 2012

All The Way From São Paulo


At the end of July last year, after 110 shows, the U2360° spaceship took off for the final time. 

Nothing captures the 360° vibe like the limited edition live set U22, with 22 songs from three years of shows. 

But what was it like to be there on the night, from the second the band walked onstage as  'Real Thing' kicked off to the closing benediction of 'Moment of Surrender' ? 

Maybe you were there and you'll never forget... maybe you wouldn't mind a reminder.  

To mark the first anniversary of the end of U2360°, this Saturday, exclusively for our subscribers, we'll be rebroadcasting the audio of the third show in Sao Paulo from April 2011.

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Billboard and The Washington Post's critics about U2 Boy album

First album, Boy was released in 1980 and man has shown what was the sound of U2 and mesagem which they passed. The album debuted some of the greatest songs of today as U2 I Will Follow, music where Bono talks about his mother, Iris. It also launched Out Of Control and The Eletrc Co. 


Let's remember the criticisms of this album so grand, both are from the time of launch of Boy on September 20, 1980.

U22 Video Playlist Complete in HD

You find videos in Multicam in HD of the U22 songs. Will have a DVD soon. If has some mistakes in this playlist it will be fix for the final edition. To watch all videos click here.

Bono appears on Africa's Big Brother

Bono left a message today confined to the Big Brother Africa. He made ​​a surprise appearance on the screen and announced the Nigerian musician 2Face Idibia. Participants were very enthusiastic about the singer's appearance. He said: "Here is your fan Irish rocker Bono. How are you and Big Brothers 'little sisters'.

Bono also asked about the garden that is grown there and that is part of a commitment to the ONE Campaign. He thanked everyone in the house for being great ambassadors of the cause.

Watch the video here.

Source: UV

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

360 and Fans


Many fans complained of the songs chosen for the album U22. Would you like to your favorites have been voted by the majority.

Then, the Italian fan Battocchi Luca had the idea of ​​a new U22. They are also 22 songs, some obligatory while others rare, which were released on audio.

The issue was on account of our friend Paul Vetri. The file brings, in addition to songs, front and back cover.

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Pride (In the Name of Love) through the ages

"Pride (In the Name of Love)" is a song by Irish rock band U2. The second track on the band's 1984 album, The Unforgettable Fire, it was released as the album's lead single in September 1984. Written about Martin Luther King, Jr., the song received mixed critical reviews at the time, but it was a major commercial success for the band and has since become one of the band's most popular songs. It was named the 378th greatest song by Rolling Stone on their list of "The 500 Greatest Songs of All Time". "Pride" appeared on the compilation The Best of 1980-1990 as the opening track, and on the 2006 compilation U218 Singles.


Tuesday, 10 July 2012

U2's Bono Performs Lady GaGa's 'Telephone' For Daughter's Birthday

U2 frontman Bono and his wife Ali Hewson have recorded a Lady GaGa hit as a present to their daughter.

The couple recorded a cover version of 'Telephone', for their daughter Eve's 21st birthday.

According to the New York Post, Bono unveiled his cover of the song at a party in Las Vegas on Saturday (July 7) infront of a celebrity packed audience.

The guests included Interscope Records boss Jimmy Iovine, film director Michael Bay and basketball player Kobe Bryant.

The rocker performed the cover to attendees at 1Oak at the Mirage as part of the evenings celebrations.

'Telephone' was originally recorded by Lady GaGa and Beyone's in 2012 and reached number one on the UK singles chart and number three on the US Billboard 200.

Thursday, 5 July 2012

U2.COM will broadcast São Paulo last show!

The official website of U2 emailed to all its subscribers who will broadcast the audio back from the last concert of U2 in Sao Paulo, occurred on 13 abrl 2011. This show was broadcast live on radio and now will U2.COM retansmitir only to subscribers at the end of this month.  

See the complete multicam show here:

Saturday, 30 June 2012

360 ° Tour was taking off exactly three years ago

On June 30, 2009, U2 released their space station 360 in Barcelona. It was the beginning of a tour that lasted two years, with 110 presentations in 30 countries to an audience of 7 million people. With this, the band won the brand to have the most lucrative tour of all music history, grossing more than $ 700 million.

In this debut tour, more than 90,000 people packed the Camp Nou with tickets that were sold in just 54 minutes.

U2 presented the world with "The Claw" - The Claw - which would become the greatest symbol of the tour. A huge metal structure 50 meters and 390 tons, which occupied half the pitch of the stadium. "The Claw" was inspired by the work the Holy Family, the Catalan architect Antoni Gaudi.

Moreover, in an innovative way, U2 has managed to bring the audience very close to the band, with fans all around the stage. This new concept of 360 ° gave a clearer view of the show and allowed the entry of more people, allowing the reduction of ticket prices.


Thursday, 28 June 2012

U22 Day

It was at Camp Nou in Barcelona on June 30, 2009, the U2 'launched their space station 360 and 90,000 fans took off'.

On Saturday, three years later, U2's official website is offering a 'listening party', recalling the shows and celebrating the launch of U22 - the soundtrack of the tour chosen by the fans.

They're calling it "U22 Day" and every hour they will be providing streaming of music from U22 - your vote will decide which song will air next.

As well as talking about the songs, the site of U2 will post your tweets, photos, memories and comments throughout the tour.

What song should never have been taken from the set? What song was reborn again? What was your strangest experience on the tour ... or more moving? Saw the band more than once? You were in every show? What was the best night and why?
And on the U22? The best moment? What song would you add?

The "U22 Day" begins on Saturday at 6:00 pm on U2.COM

Source: UV

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Baby Claw!

On April 3, 2010, a member of our forum known by the nickname of Hitoz announced it was embarking on the construction of a miniature Claw, he had no idea it would take about 300 hours spread over two years before arriving at what you can see in the picture above: a reproduction of the scene of the last U2 tour conducted with great care and thoroughness that demands admiration of all.

Monday, 18 June 2012

U22 Video Playlits

U2 Videos in high definition of the songs from the U22 album. A DVD will be available later.

Bono meets with Aung San Suu Kyi in Oslo

Observed by the Irish singer Bono, the Myanmar opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi, attends a press conference in Oslo Forum in the town of Losby Gods, located on the outskirts of the Norwegian capital. The international conference debate armed conflict. Suu Kyi on Friday received the Nobel Peace Prize 1991, which had not yet received for having spent two decades under house arrest.   

Sunday, 17 June 2012

Gwenda Evans: more than a mother of famous

Gwenda Evans may be known by many as the mother of The Edge, U2's guitarist, but after 50 years in Malahide, a native of Wales was established as a recognized artist.

Tell us a little about yourself and how you ended up living in Malhide?
My husband and I are Garvin of Wales and he was working for the Plessey Company in London. They asked him to come to Swords them to run the factory.
Employment in Plesseys was not to last long and Garvin began his own consulting firm. He is to retire (that's what he always says). The boys were born in England and when we moved our daughter Gill was born here.

Saturday, 9 June 2012

[PHOTOS] U22 Has Arrived

Like said a week ago, my U22 was on its way. It arrived this afternoon. I didn’t see how it came, it was just on the porch when I went to get the regular ol’ mail. There is a United States Postal Service tracking # on it, but it also says it is from “UPS Mail Innovations.” So, maybe the USPS outsourced it to UPS? Who knows? The return address is Live Nation in Rancho Cordova, CA, but that doesn’t mean mine came from CA. I live in Ohio, btw, and I heard of another Ohioan in my region who got hers today.

Friday, 8 June 2012

U2 will have song on the album "Rhythms Del Mundo Rio +20"

This week was launched by "Artist Project Earth" album "Rhythms Del Mundo Rio +20", whose revenue from sales will fund environmental programs in Brazil and Africa. The strategic U2 on the album with a version of I Still Have not Found What I'm Looking For.

The Evolution of U2 360º Intros

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

HD U2 Goes Crazy at Home (Artificial Horizon audio)

Former assistant Adam Clayton denies theft

The former personal assistant of bassist Adam Clayton pleaded not guilty to charges of theft. A jury was sworn in today in case involving Carol Hawkins, charged with 184 crimes of theft. She also denied having stolen two checks on behalf of Adam and funds of the Bank of Ireland credit card services. The alleged thefts in the period 2004 to 2008, totaling nearly 3 million. More precisely 2,862,567 euros. The court heard on one occasion that she would have made a withdrawal of only 310,000 euros. The rest of the alleged transactions ranged from 1,000 euros to 36,000 euros during the period of four years. 


Adam Clayton was present accompanied by U2 manager Paul McGuinness, in the courtroom. Adam seemed calm and will be called as a witness when the process get underway. It took almost two hours to charge Ms. Hwakins of all charges and after half an hour the jury was formed, composed of seven men and five women, in the event will be chaired by Judge Patrick McCartan. The case involves more than 30 witnesses and a book of 2,500 pages of evidence. The trial is expected to last six weeks.

Source: UV

Bono meets with Richard Gere to discuss humanitarian issues

In this last Tuesday, there was a private event in New York to discuss humanitarian issues. Among those present were Bono, actor Richard Gere and Minority Leader U.S. Camera, Nancy Pelosi. "No one struggled more than Nancy Pelosi since she started working here 25 years," said Bono, co-founder of ONE. "Millions of people around the world owe their lives to Nancy and the bipartisan coalition that fought to contain the AIDS epidemic not only in America but in the poorest parts of the planet." Calling it the leadership of "indispensable," Bono said that Pelosi "reached the corridor in this fight and worked with Presidents from left and right." Ricard Gere, wearing jeans and blazer, happily posed for a photo with Bono and Pelosi, the Republican and Republican Barbara Lee Barney Frank, who were also present.


Source: UV

Beautiful Day is played at the Queen's Jubilee concert

Yesterday was a great show in London in honor of the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II. Elton John, Paul McCartney and Robbie Williams, among many other artists, encouraged the party that happened in front of Buckingham Palace, with an audience of more than 250,000 people. U2 just indirectly participating in this show. The song "Beautiful Day" was played by the orchestra of the BBC, while images were projected on a screen significant 60 years of the reign of Queen Elizabeth II.


Source: UV

Friday, 1 June 2012

"The best three weeks of U2 in the studio since 1979", Bono

At the end of the Late Late Show celebrating 50 years in the Irish issuing RTE, Bono made ​​a surprise appearance and made some revelations about the next album:

"Searching for the perfect pop song. Edge is the denial of his genius. I am aware of my little one. Larry is suspicious of both Adam and sees merit in both. They are unbelievable. They really want it, although I have to say. as a band there is no sense of entitlement. I think they are very aware that U2 can do something very special to have a reason to exist now, so what we're doing. we are writing - you know the process. But it is it - they are amazing men. they are really extraordinary. they really, really want it. " "There will be a U2 album unless it's something really special. You should go to that place. You have to dig a deep well and see what you can pull up. We've been through a lot of songs and there are very good things . I would say we we had the best three weeks in the studio since 1979. Three weeks is all it should take "

Watch the video of the program here, Bono appears in 2:00:00.

Wednesday, 30 May 2012

More 8 songs for download of U22 album

U2 said and did. Today were launched eight more songs to download album U22. If you are a subscriber to the site, go to your account information and make the downloads.


Thursday, 24 May 2012

The U22's Pictures

See what pictures will came with the album U22. The U2.COM post a new thing about it every day now. It looks like more 8 songs will be for download until the end of this month. Stay tuned!

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

U2 No Line on The Horizon (Exclusive Bonus Track)

Fell into the net! Two excerpts from recordings of U2

We can not be 100% sure if they are excerpts from the forthcoming album, which so far seems to be called "Songs of Ascent," but this is the Bono's voice and are two beautiful pieces of possible new U2 songs. I particularly liked the first. Have fun and easy!

Saturday, 19 May 2012

Bono speaks at the Chicago Council about Global Affairs

On Friday Bono spoke at the Chicago Council during the World Symposium on Agriculture and Food, on behalf of companies which he co-founded: ONE and (RED). The leader of U2 talked about how transparency is needed in the extraction of resources from Africa, corruption kills than AIDS / HIV, not only is the music that is subject to the whims of fashion, but also international development. Would not speak on behalf of the African continent but as a fan. Their efforts are to mobilize those present to take about 50 million in poverty.


Friday, 18 May 2012

Facebook IPO to Make U2's Bono the Richest Man in Rock

His private equity firm bought a 2.3 percent stake in the social network company.

Facebook IPO to Make U2's Bono the Richest Man in Rock

Bono's about to become the richest man in rock, and it has nothing to do with his record sales. The U2 frontman's private equity firm, Elevation Partners, was an early investor in Facebook, which is about to hit the stock market at a record valuation, launching the millionaire singer into the billionaire club.The payout for the firm's 2.3 percent stake in the social network site will be worth an estimated $1.5 billion, Benzinga reports. That's more than seven times the $195 million Bono collected from record sales and touring the last two years and enough to make the rock star, who has an estimated worth of $900 million, a billionaire.

Thursday, 17 May 2012

New U22 download U22
After Even Better Than The Real Thing, One Tree Hill and Love Rescue Me, now U2.COM released the download of the best song of  No Line on the Horizon. Unknown Caller is ready for you. But this won't be on U22 oficial double album. This is a bonus track only for download. Go to and make you download of this beautiful song.

Me and MekVox (@mekvox) are doing the DVD of U22 and all the songs available for download until now are ready. Now it seems that's oficial that U22 will be released on the end of May.


Sunday, 13 May 2012

U2 boss tells of hairy times in early days

THE manager of rock band Spinal Tap kept a cricket bat handy to deal with trouble.

But U2 boss Paul McGuinness revealed last night how he once used his bare hands to eject a troublemaker "by the hair or in a headlock" from one of his band's earliest gigs. The setting was the Project Arts Centre in Dublin in May 1978 when notorious gang the 'Black Catholics' attempted to disrupt one of U2's first live shows.

Friday, 11 May 2012

'U2 no se vá"

Baby-faced U2 revealed in photo exhibit

     U2 Bono

Dublin - In the beginning there was Bono. And what a baby face he had. Photographs documenting the gritty beginnings of U2 in the smoky pubs and clubs of 1970s Dublin were unveiled on Thursday at an exhibition in the band's home city. Much of the exhibition by photographer Patrick Brocklebank has never been seen before. Brocklebank's black-and-white images capture the teenage Bono, The Edge, Adam Clayton and Larry Mullen in 1978 and 1979 gigs, their vibrant hairdos and fashion missteps, and their clowning around in impromptu shoots and scruffy nighttime hangouts. At the time, fellow teenager Brocklebank recalls he thought U2 might just be the one local act to reach the big time - not because they sounded better than their rivals, but because they were harder-working.
'Bono was never meek or mild' "I actually preferred a few of the other Dublin bands at the time, the Virgin Prunes and the Blades," Brocklebank said. "But the U2 people really stood out because they were organised. They knew what they wanted to achieve, even then.
"And of course Bono was never meek or mild. He was the ideal frontman," he said. "Sometimes in the pub after a gig, you would hear Bono before you saw him. He always had a forceful personality that set him apart from the crowd."

Thursday, 10 May 2012

Happy Birthday, dear Bono!

To you, Bono...for your person, for you voice, for all. Congratulations for your 52th birhtday.

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Magnificent night in La Plata

Another two new video that will take part of my next project: U2 360º at Ciudad de La Plata "Esta Noche la Rompemos". For more video of this show or other, please, visit my Youtube chan               


Bono in an acoustic concert surprise

Bono participated in a surprise acoustic concert that took place tonight at The Living Room in New York with Irish artist Glen Hansard.

Bono has joined Hansard last song of the evening "The Auld Triangle", a song the same old Irish U2 singer has often played live during the band's concerts.

Everything will be sent the next day from Sirius radio.

Bono had already played several times with Hansard. Celebrate their performances in the center of Dublin in the last 3 Christmas Eve.


Source: U2360 Gradi

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Bono meets with Bill Gates

On the last weekend, Bono was present at the annual meeting of Berkshire Hathaway in Omaha. Often called the 'Woodstock for Capitalists', this year's meeting attracted 35,000 investors and their families, who came to learn from Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger and participate in a unique institution in the business world.

See how the campaign was 'Walk In My Shoes'

On the last day April 26, rolled the 'Walk In My Shoes Day. It is a campaign that aimed to draw attention to mental illness in Ireland. The ambassador of this question is U2 bassist Adam Clayton.

People came out in the streets wearing shoes changed or different, calling everyone to make donations to St. Patrick's University Hospital. It was a manifestation that people could get involved with the cause.


Musical produced by Bono back in the news

The great actor Liam Neeson gave a recent interview with the Belfast Telegraph, where he talks about his new film "Battleship," which starred the singer Rihanna.


Saturday, 5 May 2012

Housekeeper of Adam Clayton is charged with 184 offenses of theft

A former employee of the Adam Clayton is facing charges of misappropriating money to your bank account.

Carol Hawkins was charged with 184 crimes of theft under the Criminal Justice (Theft and Fraud Offences). She was expected to begin his trial yesterday. However, the case was adjourned and the prosecutor Colm O. Brian made ​​the request a statement to set the trial date.

It is alleged that the former personal assistant and maid stole various sums of money from bank accounts of Adam between 2005 and 2008. She was accused of the offenses in January 2011.

Carol Hawkins handed three volumes of books of evidence in another hearing on February 28, 2011, when it was sent for trial. She was arrested on bail pending trial jury.

McGuinness will open photographic exhibition about U2


Thursday, 3 May 2012

Download de “Original of the Species”

Bono and Edge were participating in a charity CD.  The project is called 'Every Mother Counts' and is led by model Christy Turlington.  On this album, Bono and Edge playing an acoustic version of "Original of the Species."  As the CD will be sold only at Starbucks in the United States, available here to download the song:    



Source: UV

Spider-Man Musical is up for two Tony Awards

The musical "Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark" received two nominations for the American Theatre Wing's Annual Tony Awards.

The nominations were for George Tsypin in the category 'Best Scenic Design of a Musical' and Eiko Ishioka in 'Best Costume Design of a Musical'.

Bono and Edge, who were responsible for the soundtrack, were left out of the awards.

The Tony Awards will take place on June 10.

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Bono remembers Le Brocquy as a mentor unforgettable

Bono, U2's leader, spoke about his friendship with the artist Louis Le Brocquy, who died last week. He attended the memorial service for the painter in the Irish St. Patrick's Cathedral on Saturday in Dublin.

Over the weekend, Bono recalled fondly "tours, lunches and dinners" that he shared with the artist, whom he called "old friend". He also told how he got "a little scared" when the painter captured his portrait as a "big head exploding" and as a favor to Bono, he once passed on a copy of the album 'The Unforgettable Fire' to his friend Samuel Beckett.


"He was a kind of mentor to young artists. The fact that I and Edge will not be painters, did not prevent us. He let us in, and Anne (the artist Anne Madden, wife of Le Brocquy) also. They were great educators, "Bono told RTE radio.

The singer told how he and his best friend, the artist Guggi, Le Brocquy exhibition attended as teenagers. "Guggi and I used to go and see his work when we were young. We could not believe it. We would like to stop, look and try but could not discover. We knew we had something going and it was worth trying to understand, and those were paintings of heads ... That's when the fascination started for us. "

His friendship with the painter began when Bono had his early 20s and "did not know much about the world, but he (Louis) seemed to know everything. He could slow down the molecules in the whole world. He spoke so calmly and everyone wanted their stillness. I have a personality much more kinetic and anarchic, so I was attracted to it. Edge is a bit like him. '

The artist painted Bono on two occasions. A picture released in 2003, is now in the National Gallery.

"If you're a famous person, people just look at you. He seemed to look the other you, "Bono said. "He was really interested in finding out who you were, and then when I saw that my huge painting in the National Gallery, was a little afraid. It was a big head exploding. I was thinking, I was not sure where to put that head. It was a strange feeling to be one of the overwhelming themes of these paintings, "he said.

Bono revealed how Le Brocquy bowed to him talking about his friends Samuel Beckett and Francis Bacon. "I used to bother him all the time about characters like Samuel Beckett. 'What's he like,' I asked. And he replied 'I should talk about his work with Sam,' and I said, 'Really, you do that?'. Then in 1984 I autographed a copy of the album 'The Unforgettable Fire' and I gave him. He told me that Sam likes to know what is happening in Dublin, music and movies and everything else. "

Saturday, 28 April 2012

HD [Multicam] U2 360º Intro / EBTTRT (Live from La Plata, ARG, 2º Night)


See the next song: New Year's Day --->

U2start live show

U2 = live, there is no way around that. U2 shows are among the greatest. That's why we have came up with an idea called U2start live show, which basically revolves around U2 shows and fans. Live show is a way of (re)living a U2 show online, with all information you could want available. Live audio, live setlist, social media and of course the U2start forum. That in a nutshell is U2start live show.

What kind of live shows are there?

There are basically just two kind of live shows: 
Live: U2 is performing tonight in London from 21:00 PM GMT to 23:00 PM GMT. In the forum topic on this show you will find live social media, an automatically updated setlist from the show, general show information, links to audio/video streams (where available) and while enjoying all this media you can also chat live with other U2 fans using Live Topics in our forums.

On-demand: U2start will organise on-demand shows once in a while, which will be held in a specific forum topic on a specific time. On this time you can listen live to the bootleg of a U2 show (we may decide to not make this information public, guess what show it is!). The audio bootleg will be broadcasted using an online radio station. Meanwhile you can read tweets on this show and chat live with other U2 fans using Live Topics in our forums.

All this functionality will be available for the entire show without having to refresh your browser, which is the great thing about U2start live show.

How do I know when a live show is taking place?
We will announce these on the show pages, the frontpage and of course on the forums.

Where can I find a live show when it's taking place?
In the forum topic (which you can find on the sources mentioned above), there is general information on when the live show is taking place like date and time (with timezone conversion to your local time). On the bottom of the topic you can find all live show functionality. In your preferences you can also decide to move it up to the heading of the topic. Which may not always be useful since you cannot use Live Topics simulteanously without having to scroll a lot.

I don't like it being in the heading of footer of the topic, what else?
Update your browser to a modern one (like Google Chrome), and make sure you have a widescreen monitor. Then, open up the live show page and you'll see that it will be nicely positioned on the right as a sider.


Friday, 27 April 2012

U2′s Bono sat in at yacht meeting on Savoy sale

U2 SINGER Bono was brought to a meeting on a yacht in the south of France by Patrick McKillen and Derek Quinlan that settled the sale of the London’s luxury Savoy Hotel, it emerged yesterday.

The revelation by Mr Quinlan came during a London high court case in which Mr McKillen alleges he was improperly barred from taking control of three other London hotels.

Separately, the court found against Mr McKillen’s application that some of his financial affairs should not be disclosed and that some of the case should be heard in private.

Mr Quinlan told the court a member of the Saudi royal family, Prince Al-Waleed, had agreed in 2004 to pay £230 million (€281 million) for the Savoy, one of four hotels bought by a Quinlan-led group of investors.

By August of that year, however, there was “still a dispute” about the deposit to be paid, so Mr Quinlan said he was invited to the yacht to “finalise the deal”.

“I asked Mr McKillen if he wanted to come; he agreed and I suggested that Mr McKillen’s very close friend of 20 years, the singer Bono from the band U2, should join us.”

The singer, who is part-owner of a yacht along with Mr McKillen and U2 guitarist The Edge, happened to be in the south of France at the time.

“I recall that I sat beside Prince A1-Waleed and Bono sat next to me. Mr McKillen, on the other hand, sat at the other end of the yacht and made no contribution to the discussion,” said Mr Quinlan.

Meanwhile, Mr Justice David Richards rejected Mr McKillen’s application that some of the defendants, including the billionaire Barclay brothers, should be denied sight of details of his financial affairs.

Dismissing it, the judge said the application came “nowhere near” the standards necessary to justify it, adding he could not name a single example where a similar order had been made.

Unusually, he ordered Mr McKillen to pay a sum on account to cover the defendants’ costs, while, even more unusually, he also awarded costs to media organisations that had challenged the application, including The Irish Times.


Thursday, 26 April 2012

HD [Multicam] U2 360º New Years's Day (Live from La Plata, Argentina)


Paul McCartney and U2 join list of music millionaires

Musician Paul McCartney took third place in annual ranking of the British newspaper The Sunday Times of 50/1 music millionaires in Britain and Ireland.

The fortune of £ 665 million - 170 million which increased after his marriage to Nancy Shevell last year - put the Beatles legend behind the theater producer Cameron Mackintosh (£ 725 million) in second place and the entrepreneur Clive Calder (£ 1,350 million) at the top.

Andrew Lloyd Webber came in fourth with £ 590 million, followed by U2 with £ 514 million in the fifth. Other notable names who are between 10/1 Simon Cowell is in seventh with £ 225 million, Sir Elton John in the eighth with £ 220 million and Sir Mick Jagger tied with David and Victoria Beckham with £ 190 million in the tenth.

Also, Chris Martin of Coldplay and his wife Gwyneth Paltrow to appear a few steps below £ 72 million and Gary Barlow took the 49th place with £ 50 million. The list of fortunes based on assets such as land, property, shares and works of art, but does not include the values ​​of bank accounts, which the Sunday Times does not have access.

Check out the top ten music millionaires in the UK:

1. Clive Calder (£ 1,350 million, about $ 4.12 billion)
2. Sir Cameron Mackintosh (£ 725 million, about $ 2.29 billion)
3. Sir Paul McCartney (£ 665 million, about $ 2.31 billion)
4. Lord Andrew Lloyd Webber (£ 590 million, about $ 1.8 billion)
5. U2 (£ 514 million, about $ 1.5 billion)
6. Simon Fuller (£ 375 million, about $ 1.1 billion)
7. Simon Cowell (£ 225 million, about $ 687 million)
8. Sir Elton John (£ 220 million about $ 672 million)
9. Michael Flatley (£ 192 million, about $ 586 million)
10. David and Victoria Beckham, Daniel Ek (Spotify), Sir Mick Jagger (£ 190 million, about $ 580 million)

Source: Vagalume

HD [Multicam] U2 360º North Star (Live from La Plata, Argentina)


Wednesday, 25 April 2012

HD [Multicam] U2 360º Vertigo (Live from Denver, USA)


If you didn't see my other videos of this show, subscribe on my Youtube Channel:

CuteCircuit reveals the secrets of bright jackets of 360 ° Tour

For the first time, the company CuteCircuit reveals the secrets of the jackets lumunosas 360 Tour took place and tells us how his collaboration with the band. See!


Backstage ... Bono is ready, try his new jacket CuteCircuit and all you can say is "Incredible."

The making of U2's LED Video Screen


Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Production directed by dance music Morleigh Edge debut in the U.S.

'Spellbinding … It’s nice to see a bit of rock-star oomph being injected into the world of contemporary dance.' 


That was the verdict of the Irish Times when Cold Dream Colour, a hypnotic dance production inspired by the work of Louis le Brocquy, opened in Ireland in 2010. Now the production, conceived and directed by Morleigh Steinberg, choreographer and wife of The Edge, is opening in Los Angeles.

Dublin-born Louis le Brocquy is recognized around the world as the foremost living figure in the history of C20th Irish art. A master of painting, illustration, printmaking, tapestry design and set design, his work has received international praise during a seventy year career. 

Experiencing Le Brocquy’s paintings for the first time, Morleigh was drawn to their powerful and evocative imagery. 'My response was a pure physical and emotional intrigue that stirred me. I imagined the vitality of his paintings, springing from the singular plane of the canvas into multi dimension, my body feeling their potential to translate into movement.'

In an interview with ahead of the Irish premiere a couple of years back, Morleigh told us that she asked Le Brocquy if he'd 'ever seen his paintings danced'.

'He said no, he'd never seen his paintings danced! So the idea started there. He so often pays homage to different painters, and I thought, for his birthday we could pay homage to him.'

Leading Los Angeles choreographer Oguri collaborates with Morleigh and another Dublin-based choreographer Liz Roche in Cold Dream Colour which features a score by Edge and Paul Chavez. The U.S. premiere takes place at REDCAT (Roy and Edna Disney/CalArts Theater) next month, from May 16 to Sunday, May 20. Buy tickets here

Official website for Cold Dream Colour

Louis le Brocquy’s official website


U2 singer Bono: Hope springs eternal in Jerusalem

The U2 frontman Bono described Jerusalem as a "great city" in a note left at his hotel after a visit to Israel earlier this month.

enhanced-buzz-10084-1334709481-4.jpgThe Irish singer was spotted at a Jaffa restaurant last week, but was in the country on a private visit and did not perform. However, he did leave an artistic legacy, writing a short poem in the guest book of the historic King David Hotel in Jerusalem. The poem, published on gossip website Buzz Feed, noted that "in Jerusalem, hope springs eternal".

Bono wrote: "Hope is like a faithful dog, sometimes she runs ahead of me to check the future, to sniff it out and then I call to her: Hope, Hope, come here, and she comes to me. "I pet her, she eats out of my hand and sometimes she stays behind, near some other hope maybe to sniff out whatever was. "Then I call her my Despair. I call out to her. Here, my little Despair, come here and she comes and snuggles up, and again I call her Hope."

He signed his comment by thanking the hotel for giving him a "great room" in a "great city".


Rumor: band has been working in the studio on Saturday

It seems that the band has reunited in the studio of Hanover Quay in Dublin. A source would have talked to Dallas on Saturday and obtained confirmation. See what the site says U2 place today:

 U2 em estúdio

Friday, 20 April 2012

U2 nominated for the Billboard Music Awards 2012

U2 was nominated for Best Tour (Top Touring Act), the U2360 ° Tour, the 2012 Billboard Music Awards. In the dispute with the band are Bon Jovi, Taylor Swift, Take That and Roger Waters. The award was based on the events of March 1, 2011 and February 29, 2012.

The awards ceremony will take place in Las Vegas on May 20 (Sunday), live broadcast on ABC from 21:00 (GMT).

Source: U2BR