Saturday, 3 December 2011


Mexican businessman Carlos Slim, considered the world's richest man by Forbes magazine, has pledged $ 8 million over the next four years to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS (RED).


The AMX, owned by tycoon, Carlos Slim Foundation announced its adherence to the Global Fund, bringing together numerous organizations in the world to promote action against AIDS. The statement which, together with its subsidiaries, Claro, Comcel and Telcel, the group will seek to mobilize its 300 million customers to add up to the campaign.

As part of this alliance with RED, America Movil has pledged to provide $ 1 million a year by 2015 - and "another $ 4 million to the cause" by the Foundation - to help fund the marketing and awareness to eradicate the transmission of HIV from mother to child.

Slim said on Thursday its alliance with the Global Fund in the event "The Beginning of the End of AIDS", which was attended by U.S. President Barack Obama, the former presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton, and singers Bono and Alicia Keys.

U2 lead singer and one of the main promoters of this initiative, Bono said that Slim "has the participation of millions of people in its various networks" and thus "will reach the goal with all communication with them."

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