Tuesday, 6 December 2011


It all started when I saw the shows in Brazil deserved its DVD version, but as no artist makes  officials DVDs in Brazil, I decided to do on my own and edited the first two nights of shows in U2 Morumbi Stadium. I searched several videos on youtube for each song, an average of 10 per song and edited each one joined and recorded on a DVD. In this post you'll see the first night of shows, april 09. It was not a good edition because it was my first project, and was not sure how to edit. Not to mention that the youtube videos did not help much in quality, I tried the best I could. You'll can make the download of the videos if you wanna. For those who don't know how to make the download of each video, follow the instructions below:

- Open this site keepvid.com;
- Paste de URL of the video on the white bar;
- Click in download;
- If the site ask to you to click or in "yes" or "no", click YES;
- Now you must choose which format you want to download. I recommend the mp4 format. (best quality)

Hope you enjoy what I did and comment.


Thanks to all the owners of each part of the videos, they deserve congratulations for capturing every angle with their emotion.


Anonymous said...

Obrigada por compartilhar esse vídeo maravilhoso do show! Ameiii! Até me emocionei de rever alguns momentos do show! Imagine quando assistir completo meu DVD... nossa só de pensar já fico ansiosa, e isso só será possível porque vc postou o show e isso não tem preço!


Paulo Vetri said...

Luciana, fico feliz que tenha gostado. Foi um dia para nunca mais se esquecer. Postarei agora o dvd do segundo dia.

jonnhy said...

aee cara, teu trabalho é uma coisa de louco, show de bola mesmo, mandei seu canal do youtube pra um monte de amigos, manda pra mim o link depois do show do 2° dia e do terceiro quando fizer.

Paulo Vetri said...

Johnny, fiz só o dia 09 e ndia 10, dia 13 penso em fazer mas não agora.

Visite meu canal no youtube, lá tem tudo. http://www.youtube.com/user/vetriu2?feature=mhee